For the first time in its history, PJSC Krasny Kotelshchik shipped the unique equipment, namely the deaerator without deaeration column. Also for the first time such equipment was shipped already pre-assembled: previously, the Company manufactured smaller deaerators, which were shipped only in parts.
Power Unit No. 4 of the Perm Power Plant with two heat-recovery steam generators by PJSC Krasny Kotelshchik was commissioned. This Unit is considered to be the largest combined-cycle gas generating unit in Russia with a capacity of 861 MW.
In the Far East commissioned the largest thermal power plant - the Yakutsk TPP-2. Equipment which is designed to operate in the Far North was manufactured by PJSC Krasny Kotelshchik.
PJSC Krasny Kotelshchik for the first time held “Doors Open Day”. The guests of the holiday were the employees of the Company with families and close friends. The event that impressed the participants by its scale was decided to hold annually.